Look Inside 2 | Page 8

W e’re born, we live, we die, and if that’s what you think life is all about, put down this book. Right now. You don’t need faith. Not the way I did. According to Merriam-Webster, faith is defined as: 1) belief and trust in and loyalty to God; 2) belief in the traditional doctrines of a religion; 3) firm belief in something for which there is no proof; 4) complete trust. Those definitions are fine on paper, but belief and trust are difficult to measure. Most of my life I’ve struggled with the concept of faith. I grew up in a nonreligious household where there was no training, no emphasis on God, nothing that would give me faith in the unknown. I had scientific proof that the sun would rise each morning, that fall would follow summer, that I would grow older each year. But faith in God, faith in myself to achieve my dreams? Hardly. 5