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Demise of Britain's seaside resorts?

Eco holidays

better than normal?

Take advantage of your area!

why spend all the money on a swanky first class plane when you could use less fuel and spend less money for an even better holiday.

Southsea, if you live in the local area there is the great arcade and south parade pier, dont forget the blue reef aquarium and cafe for the kids who like a treat.

where there is a will there is a way, in southsea you can be a quiet seaside reader or a loud and obnoxious person at the huge varietys of gambling machines in the arcade.

you just need to explore whats under your nose (not literally that's disgusting) and find out what is going on in your local area, i know for a fact that every three sunday's there is a market running through the centre of palmerston road so go out and enjoy without spending too much on a holiday that will make you suffer with jetlag.

Demise of Britain's seaside resorts?

Statistics show that the piers of our great nation our getting demolished due to pollution; look at these statistics