from the editor healthcarehygienemagazine
Long-term care has come out of the shadows and may finally have a shot at garnering the recognition it deserves and the resourcing it needs to improve quality of care for residents and address critical staffing-related deficits .”
Moving Long-Term Care to the Forefront
As the daughter of a nurse , and someone who worked as a CNA in a SNF during high school and college in the late 1980s , I have immense love and respect for the long-term care profession and the residents it serves . It pained me greatly to see the unprecedented levels of misery not only in nursing homes but in all types of healthcare institutions as the COVID-19 pandemic worsened existing challenges and presented new ones that overwhelmed even the most prepared facilities .
A bright spot , if it may be characterized as such , is that out of tragedy can come opportunity . Long-term care has emerged from the shadows and may finally have a shot at garnering the recognition it deserves and the resourcing it needs to improve quality of care for residents and address critical staffing-related deficits . The world stage of healthcare has been in the spotlight because of the pandemic , and long-term care must leverage this visibility to foster meaningful and lasting change .
One of the joys of my position is meeting new people of like minds when it comes to commitment to service , and so it is a privilege to work with NADONA leadership like executive director Sherrie Dornberger to share with each other the knowledge of our respective organizations for the benefit of our collective audience of acute-care and post-acute care professionals .
This special issue you are reading now is designed to build bridges between our two readerships and celebrate the chance to begin new dialogue between sectors for the benefit of patients and residents everywhere . We are excited to feature a regular column in our publication penned by Cindy Fronning , NADONA ’ s director of education , and we hope you will consider registering for our jointly organized webinar series on long-term care imperatives scheduled for this fall ; see more details on page 14 .
Healthcare Hygiene magazine is thrilled to be a first-time exhibitor at this year ’ s NADONA annual conference , and we hope you will stop by booth 319 if you will be attending . I would love to meet you and hear your experiences about infection prevention , so that we may gain a better understanding of how we can bring to light the ongoing issues that need more attention . There has never been a better time to move long-term care to the forefront , and we look forward to being a NADONA partner and supporter . See you in Niagara Falls Aug . 7-11 !
A . G . Hettinger , CPA president & CFO
Patti Valdez art director
J . Christine Phillips customer service manager
Healthcare Hygiene magazine is published monthly by Keystone Media Inc . 1745 Shea Center Drive , Suite 400 , Highlands Ranch , CO 80129 . Free digital subscriptions available at www . healthcarehygienemagazine . com for U . S ., Canada and other foreign subscribers . Copyright © 2021 Keystone Media Inc . All rights reserved . The publisher reserves the right to accept or reject any advertising or editorial material . Advertisers , and / or their agents , assume the responsibility for all content of published advertisements and assume responsibility for any claims against the publisher based on the advertisement . Editorial contributors assume responsibility for their published works and assume responsibility for any claims against the publisher based on the published work . All items submitted to Healthcare Hygiene magazine become the sole property of Keystone Media Inc . Editorial content may not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher . No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means , including information storage and retrieval systems , without permission in writing from the publisher .
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