Long Beach Jewish Life September 2014 | Page 20

Even though our mistakes may be permanent, by acknowledging and learning from them, we become better people than we were before.


acknowledging and learning from them, we become better people than we were before.  When we are inconsiderate of our friend and they tell us of their hurt, we become more aware of the impact of our words.   When our spouse is upset that we forgot an event of significance, we learn what’s important to them.   When we yell or say something regrettable, we learn strategies in managing our temper.    Our mistakes when recognized can help us become wiser and more compassionate.


My son took his error and finished his drawing.  He is learning to take his mistakes and integrate them into his pictures and his confidence is increasing.  May we be able to learn from our shortcomings, as we approach the High Holy Days, and work towards being better people this new year.

[HIGH HOLY DAYS | Rabbi Nancy Rita Myers ]

I need your help. If you have had anything less than a great experience reading this issue of Long Beach Jewish Life, please call me on my cell. (562) 260-4745

[FEEDBACK | Call Jon ]