Long Beach Jewish Life October 2015 | Page 13

structure associated with synagogue membership. Many congregations across the country are rolling out new policies and testing new programs designed to re-cast the philosophy behind the payment of dues and even the amount of dues that congregants are asked to pay. Rabbi Gindlin believes that approaching the issue of dues is only treating a symptom of a larger and more serious problem. She says, “I don't think the real conversation should be about dues. In our society, we're comfortable paying for the perceived value of the things that we receive. The problem isn't the amount being paid in dues, it's really about the perceived value of what people are receiving from their synagogue. Synagogues don't inspire – that's the problem. And that's why I want to spend my time focused on how to inspire my congregation and my community.”

Congregation Shir Chadash is unique in our community because it doesn't adhere to any particular branch or denomination of Judaism. Rabbi Gindlin sees this as an advantage and an opportunity.

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