Long Beach Jewish Life March, 2014 | Page 4

What People Are Saying About

Long Beach Jewish Life

Yasher Koach” Warmest congratulations on the launching of “Long Beach Jewish Life.” This online magazine has informative, interesting and entertaining articles and videos. My family and I look forward to taking that journey with you into the lives, events and places that help create Long Beach Jewish Life.

Long-time Jewish L.B. resident, C.K.

I moved (to Chicago) a few years ago from, yes, Long Beach! I think your mission is spot on. Long Beach is in between LA & OC but very much has it’s own dynamic Jewish life presence. I forwarded your new site along to some friends there who I know that go to Temple Beth Shalom and P’nai Or and just wanted to say mazel tov and wish you good luck as you move forward.


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You'll be introducing them to a new digital magazine that's all about our world, and you'll be helping to build and strengthen our community in a whole new way!