Lonergan Corporate Gifts Brochure March 2014 | Page 45

Framed Pieces Molly Malone FR3 Dimensions €39.95 Men of Aran FR6 Dimensions €39.95 €32.48 Ex. VAT Shamróg FR5 (H x W): 240 x 190mm €39.95 €32.48 €32.48 Price ller e est S B Carrying the Currach FR18 Dimensions €69.95 Ex. VAT Celtic Cross FR20 Dimensions €69.95 Cuchulainn FR12 (H x W): 240 x 190mm €39.95 Mon Amour FR19 (H x W): 250 x 450 mm €69.95 €56.87 €56.87 €32.48 €56.87 Price Engraved Bases available on select Rynhart items. Please make enquiries Lime and Tique Frames Available. 45 Tel: +353 (0)1 601 2601 | Email: [email protected] | Web: www.lcgifts.ie Page 45