Lonergan Corporate Gifts Brochure March 2014 | Page 38

Graduate Male EE037 €99.95 Ex. VAT Graduate Female EE038 €99.95 €81.26 €81.26 Price Rugby Players HH012 €149.95 €121.91 Gaelic Footballer GG039 €79.95 Firefighter GG040 €89.95 €65.00 €73.13 Ex. VAT Price A Days Fishing W26 €99.95 The Teacher Girl GG044 €64.95 Ex. VAT €81.26 The Teacher Boy GG045 €64.95 Engravable Bases available €52.80 Price €52.80 Female Garda JJ056 €69.95 Soldier GG047 €99.95 Male Garda JJ055 €69.95 €56.87 €81.26 €56.87 Ex. VAT Price 38 Page 38 Tel: +353 (0)1 601 2601 | Email: [email protected] | Web: www.lcgifts.ie