Madam CJ Walker caught my
attention from a Facebook post. I
knew Black History Month was
approaching and I couldn't figure
out who I wanted to do my article
on. Well after doing my research on
her I was sold , ad here's her story.
Madam CJ Walker was born in
Louisiana on a plantation in the
Delta's by the name of Sasrah
Beedlove on December 23, 1867.
She lost her parents at an early age
and became an orphan. At the
tender age of 14 she got married
but her husband died 6 years later.
She moved to St. Louis to join her
family, and they were also in the
hair business. Later on Madam
Walker developed a scalp
infection, that caused her to lose
her hair. After trying various
products prescription and over the
counter and nothing seemed to
work . She decided to take a leap of
faith and start experimenting with
making her own hair care products .
And guess what? Her empire was
born. Madam CJ Walker employed
over 3000 women selling door to
door almost 97 years ago. She went
on to become the FIRST BLACK
FEMALE millionaire . The awesome
thing was she did it by word of
mouth, and no social media (lol).
She made a million dollars selling
her hair care system for .50 cents
per item.
B y D anielle C r aig