London • Laurel County Chamber of Commerce 2020 | Page 7

home cooker ARE YOU AGE 65 OR OLDER? WILL YOU BE 65 THIS YEAR? ARE YOU 100% DISABLED? If you answered yes and you own property, you may be eligible for the homestead or disability exemption. I or a member of my staff at the Laurel County PVA offi ce can help you determine if you are eligible for this valuable discount on your property tax bill. Please stop by our offi ce on the 1st fl oor of the courthouse or call (606) 864-2889. LAUREL COUNTY PVA Room 127 • 101 South Main Street LONDON, KY 40741 Monday - Friday 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM Saturday 8:30 AM - 11:45 AM w w w . l a u r e l p v a . c o m 2020 Membership Directory Don McFadden, Randy Burns, Travis Knight, Kendra Cress, Jo Ann Humfl eet, Crystal Madden, Joyce Parker, Pam Gilbert 7