London Contacts Issue 71 | Page 14

The Procrastinators Guide To Booking An Escort

How many men do you think actually go through with a booking after calling an escort agency or independent ?
The answer is probably less than you think because a recent survey reveals that the ‘ hit rate ’ for guys is less than 30 %.
Out of 100 phone calls from prospective punters to escorts in London during a weekend in February this year , only 29 actually ended up seeing a girl .
Could it be fear , guilt , financial reasons , plain old cold feet or just good old-fashioned time wasting ? We asked some of our regular customers and some popular escorts what they thought the reasons could be .
“ I used to phone escort agencies all the time , but rarely did I end up seeing a girl ,” one honest chap told us . “ For me it was just nerves – I didn ’ t have the courage to go through with it , but once I did , I never looked back ,” said one honest punter .
An independent told us : “ Some guys are just serial ‘ escort phone-wankers . These guys are horny and phone numerous escorts for a chat , pretending they want to book at girl , but in the end they get off looking at Internet porn . They never have any intention of booking a girl .”
Another punter told us : “ Guilt is a factor – a lot of guys wrestle with this emotion and lose . They genuinely want to see an escort , but guilt gets the better of them .”
An agency told us : “ Our callsto-booking ratio is much lower than 30 %. It is more like 1 in 5 , but the punters who do take their first step never look back and become regular customers . Most are pleasantly surprised at just how easy and fun it is to spend time with an escort .”