London Contacts Issue 70 | Page 46

Redefining the Happy Ending Massage .

According to award-winning sex educator and coach Ashley Manta , in Playboy , “ hand jobs are underrated for two main reasons : lack of enthusiasm and lousy PR . People with penises believe that no one could ever give them a better hand job than the one they give themselves . This may be the biggest sexual misconception ever . A good erotic massage therapist can definitely get you off better than you do .
Of course , there are plenty of different types of sexual and erotic massages out there , including happy ending massages or orgasmic massages , which are designed to give you an orgasm , as well as yoni massage , a Tantric massage aimed at relieving tension and developing feeling inside the vulva .
Lingam massages , however , specially designed for people with penises , are perhaps unfairly overlooked . Incorporating massage into your sex life can be a great way to explore your own and your partner ’ s body , as well as opening yourself up to a whole range of new feelings and sensations .
People love hand jobs for many reasons , but the primary one is that they ’ re so versatile . There are so many things you can do with your hands ! “ The possibilities are limited only by your imagination ,” says Ashley Manta , “ and you can use countless positions .”
Manta talks about the reclining diamond , in which the receiver lies on their back and the giver sits between the receiver ’ s legs , with the giver ’ s legs underneath the receiver ’ s legs . This allows the giver to use both hands — a crucial upgrade to the traditional singlehanded hand job with the other arm being used to prop up their body . From your vantage point between the receiver ’ s legs , you ’ re able to watch their facial expression and the way their chest rises and falls , and get real-time feedback on how they ’ re enjoying your techniques . It also makes it easier to access the balls and perineum , which are two hot spots largely ignored during more conventional hand jobs .
A hand job really is just a genital and pelvic massage . In addition to giving pleasure , it can also be intensely relaxing for the receiver , especially if you incorporate the inner thighs , hips and pubic mound into your massage . We hold so much tension in our pelvic region , and this is a great way to unwind some of that stress .
Lingam massages , however , can also make it possible for men and people with penises to experience