London and Surrey News & Views - Summer 12 issues per year | Page 12

n Sol uth West Lonado Are Pane news Dates for your diary All Area Panels hold quarterly meetings throughout the year. These meetings are open to all AmicusHorizon residents. If you’d like to come along and find about out more about your Area Panel please contact the London Resident Governance Officer on 0800 121 60 60 or email us at contactus@ Paul de Bernier Message from the Chair The meeting dates are: Greetings to you all and I would like to update you on South West Area Panel’s progress. Each year Area Panels are asked to highlight three areas that may be of concern for residents. We call these our “Area Panel priorities”. For this year we’ve agreed to maintain a focus on anti social behaviour and street properties; but also to include financial inclusion and welfare reform. With the introduction of Universal Credit and further cuts to benefits, we want to ensure all residents have access to right support and advice regarding welfare matters. Your landlord, AmicusHorizon, encourages residents to get involved. Whether that be completing a survey, mystery shopping, joining a Forum or even our Panel. If you have a few hours to spare and would like further information, please call 0800 121 60 60 or email southwestlondonap@ Paul de Bernier, Chair of London South West Area Panel 12  - 0800 121 60 60   „„ Thursday 6 August 2015 – 6.30pm-8.30pm „„ Thursday 5 November 2015 – 6.3 KN