London and Surrey News & Views - Summer 12 issues per year | Page 10

n Sol uth East Lonado Are Pane Dates for your diary Message from the Chair All Area Panels hold quarterly meetings throughout the year. These meetings are open to all AmicusHorizon residents. We have a fantastic line up of new initiatives and Melanie Johnson events for residents this year and are pleased to announce a small community space opened in Penge in May 2015. This is great news! This will enable us to hold staff surgeries so you can meet AmicusHorizon staff locally. In addition, we may run projects such as homework clubs, digital inclusion and financial inclusion workshops. Our focus and priorities for the financial year 2015-16 will include: „„ Respond to the needs of residents affected by welfare reform „„ Work with the AmicusHorizon Youth Forum and other housing associations’ youth forums to develop joint projects „„ Attend resident association meetings in London South East and address their concerns „„ Tackle anti social behaviour and neighbourhood dissatisfaction „„ Deliver a Green Doctor Pilot to get residents help and advice on saving energy „„ Identify opportunities for making physical improvements to our homes to reduce fuel poverty. Melanie Johnson, Chair of London South East Area Panel 10  - 0800 121 60 60   news If you’d like to come along and find about out more about your Area Panel please contact the London Resident Governance Officer on 0800 121 60 60 or email us at [email protected]. The meetings dates are: „„ Tuesday 4 August 2015 – 6pm–8.30pm „„ Tuesday 3 November 2015 – 6pm–8.30pm „„ Tuesday 9 February 2016 – 6pm–8.30pm. All the meetings will be held at Grosvenor House, Croydon. eds you! Your Area Panel ne We’ve recently welcomed Kehinde Ayuba to the London South East Area Panel. She’s passionate about resident involvement and has a keen interest in engaging more residents through social media. You could be the missing piece... We still have vacancies on the Panel. We’re looking for residents who: „„ Understand what their local community needs „„ Are keen to shape and influence AmicusHorizon’s services „„ Are able to spare at least five hours every three months. If this sounds like you, and you’d like to get involved representing residents and leaseholders in your area, please email [email protected] or call Siobhan Denny, Resident Governance Officer London, on 0800 121 60 60.  - [email protected]   -