LogiGear Newsletter Issue 11 July 2013 | Page 6



Spor ts Schedule

Sport Time Location Contact

LGSG Olympiad August LGSG
Trung Thanh Le - trungthanh . le @ logigear . com
Every Saturday : 9-11am
SCSC football club , Phan Thuc Duyen street , Ward 2 , Tan Binh District
Football Club Leader : Trung Thanh Le - trungthanh . le @ logigear . com
Registration Contact : Vi Tran - vi . tran @ logigear . com
Daily : 6am - 7.30pm ( no access on Mondays )
Rach Mieu swimming pool , Ho Boi Rach Mieu – Street 1 , Hoa Phuong , Phu Nhuan District
Swimming Club Leader : Thach Kieu -
thach . kieu @ logigear . com
Registration Contact : Vi Tran - vi . tran @ logigear . com
Saturday : 8am- 10am and Sunday : 2pm-4pm
E92 sport hall , Hoang Hoa Tham street
Badminton Leader : Duy Nguyen - khuongduy . nguyen @ logigear . com
Additional Information :
Swimming :
Each registered employee will receive twelve ( 12 ) tickets per month .
Badminton :
We will soon move to the Ky Hoa badminton court to take advantage of better facilities .
Football :
The LogiGear Football Club was established in 2008 to participate in friendly matches against other companies every weekend .
The LG badminton club initially started in 2007 , just 2 years after the establishment of LogiGear Vietnam . After a brief pause in activities in 2009 , the club reopened in 2010 at the Fosup badminton court with many activities .
Since then , we have invited other companies to compete and have had some successful friendly matches . There are over 30 members in all from amateur to semi-professionals .
The club has grown to over 50 members and participates in internal tournaments such as the Olympiad and the LTRC premier league .
Next month , we will participate in the LGSG Olympiad 2013 . 5 teams will be created ( TA7 , DS , Halli , Never Win , CE ). We will play with ― league ‖ rules where the 2 teams with the highest point totals will play in the final match .
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