Locker Magazine Summer 2015 | Page 46

/// NXL Great Lakes Open. With the ball in their court, they could either repeat history, or do all possible to let paintball see a brighter day. Overall, the xball f ields ran smoothly and on schedule, with almost no hiccups. While walking around, enjoying the venue and tradeshow, I couldn’t help but notice the motivation in the air. Staff and certain key committee members were constantly running around, making sure problems were f ixed, issues were taken care of, and on top of this asking coaches and inf luential players for feedback on just about everything. With the ball in their court, they could either repeat history, or do all they can to let paintball see a brighter day. I was pleased to be approached and asked for feedback on any negatives or things that could be done better and for once I had very little criticism. Once again upon arriving home, I had email surveys, and a few personal messages asking what could have been improved, or could still be added. It seems like they’re putting in the resources and time to try and bring our national sport to the next level. I gave some feedback, and pointed out a few issues. I guess only time will tell, but I’ll tell you what, I can’t wait to drive down to Virginia Beach for the next one and see what they’ve been preparing and f ine tuning since then! See you at event 3! .046 /// Summer 2015 Locker /// .047