Localisation For Africa 1 - 2013 | Page 11

Localisation for Africa
The strategy also aims to create a focused and high performance railway through people . The strategy focused on the human element is that of Inspirational Leadership and employee development . This will be implemented by creating opportunities such as apprentice development , employment and skills development of unemployed undergraduates and long term talent management . In order to deliver superior service to our customers , whom we wish to cultivate loyalty towards the rail product , it is important for Freight Rail to create a cadre of well trained and motivated employees , imbued with execution edge based values , to enable the company to deliver on its promises . Freight Rail will embark on a holistic employee centred programme over the next seven years that will assist it to attract and retain the best talent and make TFR an employer of choice by adapting organisational health and performance as the centre of our human resources strategy . We will also develop inspirational leaders who will guide the execution of the MDS . For a period of two years to five years TFR plans to have a sustained growth in high performing people through increasing the number of artisans trained in the following fields : Electricians , Track Welders ,
Millwrights and Trainee depot engineers . Skilled trainers in the technical fields like signalling have proved to be challenging and scarce .
TFR makes use of career initiatives like the Graduate In-Training ( GIT ) programme , Techno girls and the Rail Cadet Scheme . The GIT programme seeks to create opportunities for young South Africans who have completed a 3 year degree / national diploma and obtained a formal qualification in various commercial fields at a recognised tertiary institution . The purpose of the GIT programme is to bring in youth on a 24 month contract to gain rail industry exposure . The development programme entails assigning graduates to match business areas aligned to their field of studies . Through an on-going assessment and excellent performance , graduates get to be identified for accelerated development into the talent pool and ultimately key positions within the organisation .
The Techno Girl programme is all about increasing and enhancing the participation of girls in careers in Science , Technology , Engineering and Maths ( STEM ). To ensure that girls have an equal opportunity to excel in fields that the economy requires , they need to be exposed to opportunities , inspired to success , helped with subject choices and guided regarding their tertiary education , while still at school . The Rail Cadet Scheme aims to create a pool for future bursars or employees within TFR . These learners , on condition that they maintain the required minimum academic performance standards throughout the duration of their participation in the scheme , will be given a chance to apply for full time bursaries to study at a University or University of Technology within South Africa . On successful completion of their studies , opportunities within Transnet TFR will be offered to them .
The environment in which TFR operates can become dangerous and volatile if not respected and railway safety guidelines are not adhered to . Within TFR safety is the number priority in daily operations and there is no compromise . This has also been extended to the external stakeholder in order to make every effort in educating the general public about railway safety . This in turn will make operations within TFR run on a smoother track and lead to the successful implementation and roll-out of the Market Demand Strategy .
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