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peace ". To achieve real peace , we should not only focus on the prevention and control of direct violence , but also reduce the possibility of war from the cultural and structural levels of violence .
Mozi ' s view of war
In his early years , Mozi was a student of Confucianism . He was dissatisfied with the Confucianists ’ advocation of the restoration of the Zhou Rites , the latter was characteristic of the hierarchical system . Mozi founded the Mohism School , which along with Confucianism , was ranked among " the outstanding schools of the world ". Mozi deeply condemned wars of aggression in the chapter " non-offensive ", and his ideas of universal love and non-attack had a profound influence on later generations .
Mozi was a skilled craftsman . He cared for the common people and had a profound understanding of the harm of war . The war brought untold suffering to the people . The ruler , in order to annex the territory of another country , mobilizes his army and attacks the nation without sin . The war abused the children of Heaven , destroyed the throne of God , and overthrew the country . " Use the people of Heaven to capture the city of God "( Mozi 2016 , 168 ) (“ Non-attack ”, part 3 .), is not good for Heaven ; The war caused people to be displaced , caused thousands of casualties , and consumed people ' s wealth . " The benefits of killing the people of other countries have been very rare ( Mozi 2016 , 168 ). (“ Non-attack ”, part 3 .), is not good for the people . Therefore , Mozi was very sympathetic to the suffering of ordinary people in war . He believed that war was not in line with the fundamental interests of people . The people delayed farming because of warand lost the dignity of life when the country was in a state of war .
Second , there is no profit to be made from war , and " if you count the gains , you will see that the gain is less than the losses " ( Mozi 2016 , 158 ). (“ Non-attack ”, part 2 .). The war dragged on for months and even years , causing the country to waste its laws and regulations and the people to lose their livelihood . The gains outweighed the losses . " The top has no time to govern the country , scholars have no time to govern their palace , farmers have no time to harvest , women have no time to spin , that is , the state has lost its soldiers , and the common people are changing their business ( Mozi 2016 , 170 )". War disturbs the normal life of a country from the king down to the common people .
Mozi believed that the land ruled by the emperor was abundant , and the labor force was scarce due to the heavy casualties caused by the wars , and the land acquired was worthless because it was not cultivated . The people are the wealth