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aggressor , a weak state must unite as one and prepare its people for war . Moreover , Mozi advocated that in a cruel war , the reward and punishment must be clearly defined , and the soldiers should be encouraged with material glory . At the same time the families of the wounded and the dead must be appeased and shown kindness and mercy .
Galtung , whose peace thought was formed in Europe after World War II , thinks that it is very narrow to limit the study of peace to how to avoid war . Galtung believes that diagnosis , prognosis and therapy are ways of preventing and abolishing violence , that is , to diagnose the state of violence , to reduce violence and to improve living conditions . Galtung believes that more non-violent roles can be included in peacekeeping operations to increase the space for non-violent resolution of conflicts , such as by increasing the proportion of women . But this is different from Mozi ' s support for women to join the army to defend the country , Galtung ’ s idea is more about neutralizing the violence of men . According to Galtung , peace-building actions are equivalent to building structural culture and cultural peace . It is necessary to recognize the structural violence of the whole society and make it creatively transform to positive aspects .
Generally speaking , Mozi ' s measures to stop wars are mainly to prevent wars by meeting the needs of the people for adequate food and clothing within the country , to actively oppose aggression and prepare for war at home , and to stop wars by means of mutual support from outside the country . Galtung broke through the simple scope of anti-war and comprehensively considered the three forms of violence , namely direct , structural and cultural , and advocated creatively transcending and transforming conflicts .
Taking into Account the Different Levels of the Public
As a small-size production laborer , Mozi personally experienced the hardships and difficulties of life . For Mozi , survival and reproduction are the basic human desires : " Therefore , one must always be full , and then seek beauty ; Clothes will always warm , and then beg for beauty ; The inhabitant must be steady , and then seek happiness ” ( Liu Xiang 1992 , 324 ). It is a blessing to meet peoples ’ basic needs otherwise it will lead to disaster . In addition , Mozi proposed to cut down on burial expenses , to meet the needs of human reproduction .
Whether basic needs can be met is related to the good and evil of human nature and the safety of society . Mozi affirmed that survival and reproduction are the natural nature of human beings . On the other hand , he framed the natural nature of human beings as the scope of food , clothing , shelter , transportation and