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MiddleEastern countries believe in Islam . When their faith gives responsibility to propagate and defend a group of people of national , sexual , or racial origin , ideas such as " the chosen people " and " fundamentalism " tend to provoke strife and conflict , but the resulting violence is seen by believers as legitimate . According to Galtung , such ideas are reprehensible because they are fraught with violence and war .
Mozi believed that the root cause of social unrest and frequent wars was that people did not love each other and fought against each other . In the early period of the Warring States Period , various vassal states fought for territory and Chinese society was thrown into chaos . Mozi pointed out that : " All the people in the world do not love each other , the strong will hold the weak , the rich will bully the poor , the expensive will be cheap , deceit will deceive the fool ( Mozi 2016 , 125 ). Mozi believed that people only love themselves , their families and their countries , but they cannot love others and other countries . If they do not love each other , they will take actions that benefit themselves at the expense of others , which will lead to social unrest . In addition , Mozi believed that the greatest injustice under heaven was to attack another country . The gentleman condemned stealing peoples ’ lives , killing people and stealing goods , but praised the unjust war that caused countless casualties , and regarded the war as just . Mozi strongly condemned this perspective . Mozi ’ s notice of the gentleman ' s neglect of the injustice of war and Galtung ' s concern about the legitimacy of cultural violence have something in common , since they both realized the role of education in shaping people ' s ideas .
Both opposed the war
Traditionally , it is believed that brilliant achievements were an important mark of the success of a great ruler . Rulers at the pinnacle of social class were impregnated by the aristocratic values that they must protect their property assiduously , and war was an effective way to expand their wealth . Neither Mozi nor Galtung agree with such ideas and believed that war could not make people rich or bring peace . They strongly opposed war .
First , Mozi set an example of resisting war . Mozi traveled to the states such as Qi , Wei , Song , Lu , Yue and Chu , promoting his theory of non-attack and universal love . With his great enthusiasm , he prevented three imminent battles : Qi was about to attack the state of Lu , Prince Yang Wen of Lu was about to attack the state of Song , and Chu was about to attack the state of Song as well . Secondly , Mozi focused on the actual consequences of the war to analyze the damages , the attack on both sides of the war caused endless harm and no profit . In the pre-Qin period ,