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lay a firm foundation for permanent peace . War , as one of the objects of this consciousness revolution , will eventually be reduced .
Although Mozi pursued " universal love " to seek peace and advocated " nonattack ", he clearly understood that it was unrealistic for a strong country to give up attacking a weak one in the era of vassal rivalry . Therefore , Mozi stood in the perspective of the weak , studied and improved the defensive instruments for defending a city against foreign invasion . Mozi pointed out that if a great power established the world in the name of benevolence and justice , and held its vassals in the name of virtue , the people of the world would immediately submit to it . If great powers unjustly attack small and innocent nations , the latter can unite to help each other . In addition , Mozi ' s thoughts on defense are thoughts of preparing for danger in times of peace . Although Mozi studied the way of defense seriously , it was also for the purpose of eliminating war . What Mozi really cared about was to " love each other and benefit each other ", so as to resist war and safeguard peace with the strength of justice .
In short , Mozi believed that war was very harmful . It was bad for heaven and people , and the gains were outweighed by the loss of the defeated nation . Mozi did not oppose all wars , but distinguished the nature of wars by " righteousness ". In order to achieve " non-aggression ", Mozi proposed the concept of " universal love ", which laid the foundation for the realization of peace . Mozi ’ s ethics of war , involving the limited use of force to restore the principle of justice , can be viewed precisely as one of the earliest versions of the theory of just war in ancient Chinese thought .
Similarities and differences of the perceptions of war of Galtung and Mozi
Both Galtung and Mozi believed that the root of war and conflict lies in the struggle between people . Galtung , identifying with the hierarchy of needs theory by the very famous American social psychologist Maslow , thinks that conflict is more about the struggles among people , and struggles for survival , freedom and identity ( Johan Galtung 2003 , 84 ), that is , the struggle for the fulfillment of basic human needs . Influenced by Maslow ' s Needs Theory , Galtung believed that survival , happiness , freedom and identity are the most basic needs of human beings . When peoples ’ needs are frustrated , this creates obstacles for the individual at a cultural level , people kill because they are taught from an early age that violence is legitimate under certain circumstances , and such cultures legitimize violence . Many Western countries believe in Christianity , whereas many