Local Mapping of EPGs EN Mentor Guide EN | Page 32

Session 3 : Marketing Planning and Implementation
‣ Preparations for the Mentor :
1 . Read this session and draft a plan so you know how to lead it .
2 . Do collect examples of effective logos , advertisements , facebook page , twitter feeds etc to share with the participants in this session .
3 . There is a lot of content and action to get through in this session so you may need more than the recommended time allocation . Alternatively , you may want to split this session into two sessions , held closely together for example within the same week .
4 . Ensure that participants understand that they need to begin actioning their marketing soon after this session .
‣ Beginning the Session
Explain to the participants that the purpose of this session is threefold : 1 . Firstly , to stress the importance of marketing analysis , marketing planning and marketing implementation 2 . Secondly , to identify the name , logo , vision , mission and values of the social start up . 3 . Finally , to help the participants put together a marketing plan that they can action between now and the next session .
Ask participants to share and discuss their write ups of their role and allocated responsibilities , and ensure that everyone is in agreement about each other ‟ s roles and responsibilities .
‣ Marketing Analysis Tools
Explain the PESTLE and SWOT tools to the participants and ask them to complete these tools now .
PESTLE : The PESTLE analysis allows you to identify the political , economic , social , technological , legal and environmental factors that may affect your EPG and social start up now and in the future . It shows your understanding of the environment in which your social start up will operate , and how you plan to address these factors . By remaining aware of the trends and changes in the environment , your social start up can gain a competitive advantage .