Local Mapping of EPGs EN Mentor Guide EN | Page 26

Ensures that the agreed processes such as the consultative decision making principles are adhered to throughout the social start up process .
Ensures that all team members complete their business diaries in a timely fashion .
Ensures that the team is on schedule , sets up meetings , and records minutes and agreed actions and those responsible for completing them .
Has a record of all team members ‟ contact details ( emails and telephone numbers ) and their availability .
Vice President
Is responsible for the social start up ‟ s cashflow , and works closely with the accountant to monitor the financial records and health of the social start up .
Works closely with the President and all Managers to make decisions regarding strategy and operations . Supports the President and Managers in overseeing , leading , directing , monitoring and evaluating all operations and the agreed stages of the social start up process .
Clarifying the roles and responsibilities will help to determine the leadership structure and flow , as well as the lines of communication , policies , authority and responsibilities within the social start up . To enhance the participants ‟ performance and their ability to work together effectively , you must ensure that all team members are familiar with the expectations of all roles and their responsibilities . Thus , it is important that all participants have a defined role and clear responsibilities to ensure they are included and valued in the social start up process . All roles are important as the social start up process is a team effort .
If more than one person volunteers for a role , then ask the candidates to give a 1- 2 minute presentation explaining why they should secure the role and then ask the participants to vote in a secret ballot . In case a decision cannot be reached , it will be the mentor ‟ s responsibility to decide .
‣ Communication , Negotiation and Consultative Decision Making within the Social Start Up
Throughout the Social Start Up process , participants will be making many important decisions within theirEPG . The best approach to making decisions effectively and