‣ Defining Social Enterprise
According to Social Enterprise UK :
1 . Social Enterprises are “ businesses that trade for a social or environmental purpose ”. That is , “ businesses with primarily social or environmental purposes whose profits are principally reinvested for that purpose into the business or into the community , rather than being driven by the need to maximise profit for shareholders and owners ”.
2 . “ Social enterprises come in all sizes , from small community cafes to really big international organisations , but they ‟ re usually started by a person or group with a particular passion and sense of purpose . They can emerge as businesses from groups that didn ‟ t start out to create a business at all ”.
A social enterprise does : A social enterprise does NOT :
1 . Make its money from selling goods or services or both .
2 . Cover its own costs in the long term , but like most businesses , it may need help to get started .
3 . Put at least 50 % of any profits towards addressing its social or environmental purpose . 4 . Pay fair salaries to its staff 5 . Have a clear social or environmental purpose or mission .
1 . Exist to make profits for shareholders . 2 . Exist to make its owners wealthy . 3 . Rely on volunteering , grants or donations to sustain itself in the long term .
‣ Examples of social enterprises include :