Local Mapping of EPGs EN Handbook EN | Page 18

‣ Ethical Purchasing Groups and the Social Start Ups Training Programme
EPGs in Croatia , France and Italy , aim to enhance the agri-food localities through organising local agri-food production communities into EPGs . In doing so , the EPGs empower local producers and consumers through the adoption of ethical production processes , fair pricing , improved health through quality „ slow food ‟ products , and a strong awareness of the natural cycle and the need for environmental protection . However , these EPGs continue to face a number of challenges that hamper their growth and impact . As a result , the Social Start Ups project supported Ethical Purchasing Groups ( EPGs ) in Croatia , France and Italy to start up social enterprises that empower and enable the enhanced social , economic , and environmental impact and effectiveness of the local communities . This was done through a 6 month mentor led , training programme consisting of seven sequential training sessions as shown here :
Session Content
1 Defining Social Entrepreneurship Team Building Ideation ( Brainstorming )
2 Structures , Roles and Responsibilities Communication , Negotiation and Consultative Decision Making within the Social Start Up
3 Marketing Planning and Implementation
4 Sales , Finance and Pricing
5 Production Planning ( Producer Selection , Storage and Distribution ) Food Safety , Hygiene , Quality and Certification
6 Sales Operations
7 Consolidation and Future Planning
Please note that multiple group meetings and ongoing communication between the members are expected to occur in between these seven training sessions to ensure ongoing and timely activity . However , the mentor is only expected to attend and lead the seven training sessions .