Local Lead Drop review & huge +100 bonus items | Page 4

One of the keys to their system is responding the these leads quickly and professionally in a way that stands out from the crowd immediately . These templates make it easy to do just that .
Mastermind Group
They won ' t just hand you the system and send you on your way . By picking up Local Lead Drop Today you ' ll also get instant access to their private mastermind group full of like minded marketers .
How It Works :
First thing you do is to sign up as a provider leads start dropping into your box within hours … These aren ’ t just low ticket tire kickers either , we are talking about $ 4-5 figures deal from these leads . Then all you have to do is bid on the job , using their 4 steps bidding process .
From there you use a simple clothing system that closes at 40 % with ease . Not only that but by combining this lead gen system with their proven referral strategies , you will be able to grow your business exponentially .
Who Should Use Local Lead Drop ?
It ' s super easy to set this up for yourself and you can have leads coming in for whatever services you offer within hours of signing up !