Local Impact Zone Weekly Newsletter April 28, 2014 clone_ | Page 13

Get in the ZONE - The Local Impact Zone!

By Christy Stansell

When you need information on something or someone, where is the first place you look? Perhaps it

used to be a phone book organized in alphabetical order. Nowadays, in this high-tech mobile world, you most likely turn to your phone! Who in a million years would have thought that a phone would replace the phone book?! Who would have thought a funny sounding word like "Google" would replace the good ol' abc's?! Well, now there's a new search engine in town: Welcome to "The Zone"!

Local Impact Zone, aka LIZ, is a Social Marketplace unlike anything you've experienced before. On the surface, LIZ looks like a networking group for hundreds of small to medium business owners -- and it is -- but it's also much more than that. LIZ promotes a business perspective in which members live the philosophy of "giving first to empower the law of reciprocity." Multiple times each week, Local Impact Zone offers lessons that assist members in developing their Life and Business Progression. Several thousand businesses and individuals have taken advantage of these opportunities to connect and learn through LIZ events and social media channels because they are all available at no cost with no catch.

The Social Marketplace is paid for by established businesses who join with LIZ as Funding Partners and receive additional promotion for their financial support. Those Funding Partners experience an increasein business for their giving. It's the ultimate win-win!

One of the most valuable benefits of LIZ is the free company listing on the localimpactzone.com website. Here, business owners are encouraged to write a description of their products and services, including key words, in order to be "found" with a simple search. The value lies in the search results. Instead of competing with a massive list from a Google search, LIZ members benefit from being one of only a handful of similar local companies in the results. This is The Zone - and your business can be in it for free!

Even better: the search engine isn't just for LIZ members. ANYONE in the community may go to localimpactzone.com to find products or services they need. So, next time you see a friend post on Facebook that they need xyz, search "xyz" on localimpactzone.com and paste the results in response to their request, and tell them you found it in The Zone. You'll be supporting local businesses and the growth of a healthy community focused on giving, sharing and caring. Don't "Google" it -- "ZONE IT!" with Local Impact Zone!

Get in the "ZONE"