Nina Howell ( Partner ), Ro Lazarovitch ( Partner ), and Adam Quigley ( Associate ), Bracewell , UK , consider some of the characteristics of Europe ’ s LNG sub-regions and the role of LNG in the Mediterranean .
Europe ( both Continental Europe and the UK ) is generally characterised as a single large LNG import market , and one in which European importing countries collectively compete with the world ’ s top importing region of Asia . Whilst Europe ’ s importing nations do share many common characteristics ( e . g . most European regasification capacity is onshore ) and trends , there are nonetheless a number of regional differences within the wider European LNG regasification market . Not only does LNG play different roles and have differing strategic importance across Europe ’ s importing countries , but market and regulatory dynamics vary across sub-regions and countries . Furthermore , the sources of gas supply ( LNG vs pipeline and domestic vs import ) and connectivity to other gas markets varies across the wider region and between individual countries . Overall , the European LNG market is diverse and has adapted to be fit-for-purpose in distinct sub-regions and individual countries .
The sub-regions and hubs within the European LNG market are broadly North-West Europe ( including the UK ),