My name is Ian and I am an
Living in Plymouth has offered so
intercalating medic from Plymouth much, from mountain biking in
medical school who is currently at the Dartmoor to mackerel fishing from
Liverpool school of tropical medicine Cornish beaches, but to live
in Humanitarian Studies MSc. I was somewhere else as a student has
asked by Natalie to write a little piece been great. Knowing I am only up
about my experience intercalating
this way for a year has meant that I
away from Plymouth which has been have really maximised my time here.
my home for the last 4 years. For me, A couple of trips to the Peak district,
intercalation offered so many new
Crosby beach and a planned cycle
opportunities which is in part why I tour in the Lakes is fulfilling my
chose to do it. The scope of trying
outdoor desires, whilst a visit to the
something new and exciting but also slave museum, Tate and a few more
doing so in a different city with a fresh visits to Heebie Jeebies, has given
bunch of people appealed to me in a me a taste of what it is like to be a
number of ways. So as a reborn
Liverpool medic for the year.
fresher, I loaded my stuff into the car There are also some challenges to
and dared to do what no southerner taking a year away from Plymouth.
in their right mind would: venture
Making the jump from a solid group
of friends to having none, is never an
Whilst here it has been great, I have easy decision, but for me so many of
loved getting to know the interesting my friends were in a similar boat and
people on my modules who haven’t I think the opportunity excited me
all done the generic: A-levels, gap more than it daunted me. The
year and then uni spending dadsy’s adjustment to my normal way of life
money. This is probably helped as was also a bit of a shock, going back
my course is a masters so there
to living in halls for example is
aren’t massive numbers of
probably one of the worst parts of
intercalating medics compared to
being in Liverpool this year, though
some intercalated degrees. From
admittedly my accommodation was
MSF workers to midwifes, the mix
booked with intermittent wifi on a
has been remarkable and has
tropical island a month before
broadened my scope of things
coming, so it wasn’t my most well
beyond foundation years and the
though through of plans. There are
consultancy treadmill. One of the best also the normal challenges of
things about intercalating externally is intercalation to consider as well such
the chance to explore new
as an extra year of studying, not
returning to the same year group and
needing to borrow more money to
pay for my living costs to name a
Overall, I would highly recommend
intercalation externally. It has
pushed me outside my comfort zone
and has made it all-in-all an amazing
and exciting experience! Have a
think about where you would want to
go, for me I based my decision on
what course I wanted to do as I had
no particular ties to any other cities.
Some of my friends studied at their
home university for the year which
also brings about different benefits
and challenges. The best thing you
can do is make a pros and cons list
about externally intercalating. You
won’t regret it if you do!
Ian Bugg, Intercalating
medical student (from