secret santa
2 FOOD!!
3 Smellies
Could include:
Any student will love
you forever.
Especially if it’s a voucher for a
fairly nice restaurant when they’re
used to eating cheap n’ cheerful
Chester’s night after night...
Nando’s is always a good shout!
Perfume (if the budget is on the
higher end), bubble baths, hand
soap / cream... the list is endless
and in the run-up to Christmas
there are always tonnes of gift sets
in Superdrug, Body Shop and Boots.
At the end of the term the student
loan has surely run out, girls will be
thrilled to feel pampered with new
products to try out.
Did someone
6 Woolies
say Cocktails?
Use your imagination!!
I wont go into detail!
Xmas PJs/
Get all warm and cosy
Nikki Chavasse
LMSS Business Sec
4th Year Medical Student
Cocktail maker
The key to success is thinking where
they spend most of their time
Secret Santa is (theoretically)
the best way to buy budget
Christmas gifts as povertyridden students of Liverpool.
For those of you not familiar
with this sacred Yuletide ritual,
the principles are these: A
group of friends/colleagues/
housemates/family group
together. Names in a hat, and
the name you pick out will be
the person you buy a present
for! Simple – everyone buys
and receives one gift. The name
of the person you pick must
kept TOP SECRET and usually a
budget is set to avoid awkward
present-opening ceremonies.
It is important to establish
before setting up your secret
Santa whether you all know
each member of the group well
enough that you would be able
to pick out a suitable gift; This
for people you live with, ie
may sound like a simple task
housemates or family members.
but vital to the operation in
For example, if your Dad LOVES
order not to cause
spending time in the
the best way kitchen, he probably
to all involved
to buy budget loves either: a) Cooking,
parties, like when
b) Eating. Easy gift
Christmas or
your friend-of-aoptions right there!
gifts as
friend turns out
Maybe you could treat
to be the ultimate
him to a new chef’s hat
povertytomboy and just
or personalised apron,
doesn’t appreciate
a Paul Hollywood book
students of of bread recipes, or even
the Sleek makeup
palette you got her, Liverpool.” just a standard box of
and you weren’t
Fox’s Favourites always
too impressed with the Starwars goes down well! Housemate
t-shirt you received either...
takes over an hour in the
bathroom every day? Bingo!
When thinking of what to buy
Soap and Glory gift set or nice
your selected gift recipient for
hair products (this isn’t just a
the most wonderful day of the
female thing - we all know a boy
year, the key to success is think who spends at LEAST as much
where they spend most of their
time in the bathroom before a
time. This is particularly useful
night out as the girls...)
Sphincter magazine | volume 80 issue 2 | Winter 2016 edition
Any Drinking
Related Fun!
or book of cocktail recipes
(Amazon has a wealth of ideas!)
Get in the 90s spirit!
Could include:
a. Beer pong set
b. Funny shot glasses
c. Dice decider drinking game
d. Actual alcohol (not as cheap
but twice as fun)
A bit old-school but who doesn’t
like a gift that’s taken time and
thought? Also one of the cheaper options if you’re on a tight
Get Creative!
You could even make it yourself
if you’re feeling particularly
creative! Hats, gloves, scarves are
all fair game here and always go
down well!
LMSS Charity
A year-long ‘gift’…
AND it’s for charity!
A great option for an inexpensive
Christmas gift that always raises
a smile. That is, if you can bear
to brave shopping in Primark this
close to Christmas!
(Shameless plug here but
they are amazing!)
Show up your fellow Secret Santas
by pairing it with a hot chocolate stir
spoon and mini marshmallows for a
cute 3-in-1 gift.
Sphincter magazine | volume 80 issue 2 | Winter 2016 edition