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LMSS Hustings
Prepare for Hustings with a video , speech and then questions from the outgoing officers and other members of the LMSS
What the LMSS Constitution says :
1 . Nomination papers for any Member wishing to run for one of the three Officer positions shall be submitted , in writing , to the Secretary of the Society , with not less than seven ( 7 ) days notice , and not more than fourteen ( 14 ) days notice prior to the date of the Annual Hustings Meeting . The nominees shall be accompanied by a proposer , a seconder , and eight ( 8 ) further Members , all of whom shall hold Student Membership or Honorary Life Membership of the Society
2 . A list of the successfully nominated candidates shall be presented to all Members via any suitable means determined by the Officers , no less than three ( 3 ) calendar days after the nomination period ends 3 . The Officers of the Society shall receive no remuneration or salary for fulfilling their duties as the executives of the Society , but , as the individuals ultimately responsible for any and all Meetings and events held or arranged by the Society , shall pay no fee to attend any such Meeting or event .
4 . There shall be a Meeting of the Society , namely the Annual Hustings Meeting , exactly fourteen ( 14 ) days before the date of the Annual General Meeting ( AGM ). Each successfully nominated candidate will be introduced by a proposer , following which a pre-prepared video or presentation is shown , and the candidate delivers a speech . The total time allotted for each candidate at the Meeting shall not exceed twenty ( 20 ) minutes in length . The makeup of this format may be changed at any time by the candidates , at the absolute discretion of the Officers of the Society
5 . The voting period will commence immediately at the conclusion of the Annual Hustings Meeting , and will close at the midnight preceding the Annual General Meeting ( AGM )
6 . The Officers of the Society shall collectively be responsible for the result of the election shall not be disclosed until the Annual General Meeting ( AGM )
Run for an Officer Position ! Hustings is essentially your audition , letting everyone know what you can bring to the LMSS and kicking off the secret ballot !
Checklist of things for Hustings :
- Contact the LMSS Secretary before Hustings to register your interest to run for an officer position - You must fill in the form to run , given by the Secretary , with the signatures of proposing student members - You must get someone to propose you at Hustings , who will give a presentation in support of you - You must prepare a video to be shown at Hustings and used in campaigning - You must prepare a speech for Hustings - You must prepare to be asked questions from the previous officer of your nominated position and from the audience - There will be a secret ballot for 2 weeks - The Result will then be announced 2 weeks later at AGM !