LMS Issue 3 | 2014
News | International & Local
Best New Spectroscopy
Product of 2013
n a te c h I n s t r u m e nt s , p ro u d
supplier of Thermo Scientific, is
excited to announce that the Thermo
Scientific Orbitrap Fusion Tribid Liquid
Chromatography Mass Spectrometer
system has been voted as the Best New
Spectroscopy Product of the Year 2013
in the portal’s Scientists Choice Awards.
The winners were announced during a
social event at Pittcon 2014 in Chicago.
Thermo Scientific strives to create the
highest-performing commercial mass
spectrometer ever built and to make this
power widely accessible through easyto-use software. The Orbitrap Fusion
system features a unique combination of
three different mass analysers namely, a
quadropole, ultra-high field Orbitrap and a
dual-pressure linear ion trap. These instruments work together to raise analytical
performance to new levels and enable
completely new experimental methods.
The new software provides Dynamic
Scan Management that automatically
adjusts scan parameters while experiments are running to optimise results. The
system’s novel drag-and-drop method
editor removes most of the guesswork from
setting up complex methods and is part
of a comprehensive suite of MS software
that supports the Orbitrap Fusion system’s
unprecedented ease-of use. ⚛
Dan Shine, Thermo Fisher Scientific Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry
President, accepts the 2014 Scientists’ Choice Award from SelectScience.com Editor
Kerry Parker and Founder Arif Butt.
Winner of the Scientist
Choice Awards 2014
ocorex has been awarded the Scientists’ Choice Award for their Calibrex
bottle-top dispensers, in the category of
Best New General Lab Product for 2013,
as voted by the SelectScience General
Laboratory Community.
The Calibrex™ organo 525 and the
Calibrex solutae 530, their new bottle-top
dispensers, are destined to make scientists’
lives easier and more productive. The
product offers safe and reproducible liquid
distribution for a wide range of reagents,
solutions and chemicals. Both models
smoothly dispense exact volumes of liquid
reagents directly from a bottle or flask. With
its ground glass plunger, the organo 525
is ideal for dispensing organic liquids and
non-crystallising solutions. The solutae 530
has a PFA-coated plunger that is resistant
to salt solutions, weak and strong acids as
well as bases, which prevents the plunger
and barrel from seizing together. Scientists
can check continuously updated chemical
compatibility data by scanning the QR code
imprinted on each unit. Precise dispensing
volumes up to 25, 50 and 100ml are easily
set with one hand using the spring-loaded
sliding cursor or by using a classic screw
button supplied with each dispenser.
No tools are required for cleaning and
maintenance. Users can calibrate the dispensers using the integrated key located
under the plunger cap. Calibrex dispensers
can be autoclaved, fully assembled at
121°C/250°F. Each unit is supplied with a
45mm base thread and adapters for 32, 38
and 40mm bottle necks. Every dispenser
is assigned a serial number and provided
with a certificate establishing that it has
met quality control standards. Manufactured in Switzerland by Socorex, Calibrex
bottle top dispensers are supplied with a
two-year warranty. ⚛
Win with Metrohm
t pays to visit the Metrohm SA website, as one might be rewarded with a gift for
doing so. Mavis Nokukhanya, Durban University of Technology, recently received
a prize from Metrohm for visiting their website. She is now the proud owner of a
brand new Ipad mini simply because she took time to complete a survey on the
Metrohm website. The company would like to congratulate her and thank all those
other people who participated in the survey. ⚛
Mavis Nokukhanya accepting her iPad from the Metrohm Team
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