LMS Issue 3 | 2014
Chromatography & HPLC
New Generation IC Systems
etrohm launches its new generation of ion chromatographs.
Robust Swiss quality, ease-of-use and
lower cost of ownership are all the
hallmarks of Metrohm ion chromatography systems and the new systems
are no different.
The new 940 Professional IC Vario
and the 930 Compact IC Flex instruments come with new features making
system operation even more economical, convenient and reliable. With
these systems users do not depend on
expensive consumables such as syringe
filters and SPE cartridges for sample
Instead, the partly patented techniques of Metrohm inline sample
preparation integrates fully automated
inline sample preparation (filtration,
dilution, pre-concentration and matrix
elimination) and subsequent analysis
into a fully automated system.
Automated inline eluent preparation
as provided by the 941 Eluent Production Module enables uninterrupted,
maintenance-free system operation
for up to one month. The production
of eluents reduces cost of ownership
significantly, as all that is required is the
dilution of the respective concentrate
with ultrapure water. An ultrapure
water system can also be directly connected to the 941 module for a constant
supply of water.
Routine users in particular benefit
from considerable savings on both time
and money. ⚛
Metrohm SA
Contact: Ravi Issari
Tel: 011-656-2686
Email: [email protected]
he use of the QuEChers (Quick,
Easy, Cheap, Effective, Rugged
and Safe) method has become increasingly popular for extraction and cleanup of pesticide residues. One of the
steps in this method includes shaking
the sample manually for extraction
of the analytes. This can be a time
consuming step depending on the
amount of samples
that need to be
The ShaQer
1500 is a
new, low-cost
solution for
QuEChers sample
It is designed
to effectively
The vigorous
vertical motion
of the ShaQer
is effective at
improving the
analyte extraction from food products
for the analysis of pesticides, PAH’s,
antibiotics, mycotoxins and dyes.
The ShaQer 1500 can be used in
applications in environmental science,
pesticide residue and food science. It
can be used for samples of plant tissue,
animal tissue or fruit and vegetables.
World’s First SMS IGC
nverse gas chromatography (IGC)
is a gas-phase technique for characterising surface and bulk properties of
solid materials. The principles of IGC
are very simple, being the reverse of
a conventional gas chromatographic
The revolutionary IGC from Surface
Measurement Systems (SMS) is the
world’s first commercial inverse gas
chromatograph. The unique SMS flow
control technology provides state-ofthe-art humidity control together with
unrivalled accuracy and reproducibility.
The standard instrument configuration
comes with a thermal conductivity
detector (TCD) and a flame ionisation
This combination allows for the
differentiation between moisture and
organic solvent elutants. Further detectors may be added (for example, a
mass spectrometer) according to the
customer requirements.
IGC advantages include:
• Unprecedented accuracy and
• Fully automated analysis
• Quick and easy sample preparation
• It is a flexible and powerful characterisation tool. ⚛
Wirsam Scientific
011-482‑1060 / 021-386‑9020 /
031-709-0199 / 041-365‑2060 / 016-931‑1731
Email: [email protected]
ShaQe up your
QuEChers method
The ShaQer features:
• H i g h e r t h r o u g h p ut w it h t h e
ability to shakes up to six samples
• Increased recover y of pesticid