Living With More spending countless hours counseling , mentoring and discipling the people of God . He is an Evangelist because God has given him the charge to go out into the hedges and highways and
preach the gospel to the lost . He is a Teacher because God has blessed him with an unusual way of interpreting scripture so that even a child understands the word of God .
Page 3
The Author ’ s Corner
Apostle G . S . Jackson is the Senior Leader of The City Of Truth International . His ultimate guidance and assignments come directly from the Lord . He is an Apostle because he has been called and sent to reestablish the truth of God and order of God in the houses of God and the people of God . He has been called and sent to establish structure , strength and strategy in places and in the lives of those who will receive the Grace of God upon His life . He is a Prophet because God speaks to him specifically concerning the body of Christ ; collectively and individually . He is a Pastor because he has been an inspirational voice for the spiritual growth and development of so many ;
Apostle Jackson also serves in the capacity of Apostle , Spiritual Father & Chief Servant to the Ambassadors Of Truth Kingdom Fellowship . He faithfully covers Ascension Gifts , Kingdom Ministries , Ministers and Businesses in the states of Florida , Indiana , Ohio , Maryland , Georgia , Tennessee and Texas .
Apostle Jackson is the loving and loyal husband of one wife ; the former Genine Davis . She is a Licensed and Certified Christian Life Coach ( In Motion Christian Coaching ). She also serves with her husband on the Pastoral staff . She is the Leading Lady of The City Of Truth International and the Ambassadors Of Truth Kingdom Fellowship .
His favorite scripture is : " For the Kingdom of God is not in word , but in power ." I Corinthians 4:20
Grace & Truth Moments Volume 1 is offered on Amazon , IBooks , Kindle Reader , and direct order via email : grace . and . truth . moments @ g mail . com
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