Living Wisely - ReFuel LW Magazine | Page 4

WISDOM FOR Wednesday WHAT DO YOU DO WHEN YOU ARE Desperate for a Word from God? I t was the fall of last year. I was feeling overwhelmed. I wasn’t sleeping much as deadlines and trying to address the expectations and demands of others consumed my days- and nights. My quiet times were no longer quiet as the thoughts in my head would not be silent. I could read the Word- but meditating on it seemed to be impossible. I have been in this Christian race long enough to know that when you are constantly bombarded with challenging situations, adopting an attitude of gratitude is critical. You must stop and say “thank you!” “Thank you Lord for the trial. You are preparing me for my next. Thank you for the job- you are using it to stretch me. Thank you for the challenging employee. You are refining my personality so that I look more like you. Thank you for this season of solitude as you are teaching me to depend on you.” But often- when we are going through- it is harder to practice what we know. And this is where I found myself one Sunday morning in November. After spending time crying before the Lord, I decided I would go in 4 | LIVING WISELY search of a Word. If you want to view my circumstances through the lens of the Old Testament, you might say I was the king in search of Elijah- so that he could give me a Word from the Lord. I went to a church that I don’t visit often, but know the pastor is a mighty man of God. And I prepared myself to feast on his sermon. Praise and Worship was powerful that day…but my mind was focused more on getting a Word. The pastor got up and ask the praise team to sing another song. And they did. This was nice… but I was waiting on the Word. The pastor then asked them to sing again. And they did. Again. And again. And again. He then did a call for prayer. I went up with at least 70 other folk and began to lay my “junk” at the altar. Something impressed me to open my eyes- and I saw men and women laid out before God- desperate for Him to do something for them. I saw hurting people with a need for someone to intercede on their behalf. I stopped praying for myself- and began praying for those around me. Immediately, I began to feel my burdens lift. After sometime, the pastor began to sing. The praise team came back up and for the next 20 to 30 minutes we adored the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. As we went back to our seats, the Pastor began to close the service. He said he wasn’t sure what happened as he had a sermon prepared; but he felt that what transpired was God ordained. Those who wanted to hear the sermon, should stay for the next service. I knew that a sermon had already been preached. Our mistake when we are going through is to focus on our problems vs our problem solver. We focus on our goliath and not our God. And so the answer when we are desperate for a Word, is to Worship. There is something about adoring His Majesty that brings calm to every storm and clarity to every situation. Be blessed! Sabrina LIVING WISELY | 5