Living Well 60+ May – June 2015 | Page 25

M AY / J U N E 2 0 1 5 25 On Their Own Helping a relative who is newly alone by Lisa M. Petsche, Staff Writer When the loved one they have been living with passes away, many older adults face the challenge of learning to live alone – often for the first time. If there was a division of labor with their partner, the person must either learn new life skills – cooking, for example – or obtain help. If the deceased spouse was the more physically or mentally able of the pair, living independently may pose special challenges. If you have a parent or other close relative who is new to living alone, here are some areas of potential concern and tips on how to help. Medication Management. Request a medication review by your relative’s primary physician to determine if all medications being taken remain necessary. Ask the pharmacist about available aids for remembering to take medications. Nutrition. Set up a schedule to take your relative grocery shopping. You might also arrange for a grocery delivery service, stock their freezer with heat-and-serve foods or arrange for Meals on Wheels visits. If the person finds it hard to eat alone, look into communal dining programs, and invite them over to your home for dinner sometimes. Household Maintenance. Ar- range for regular housecleaning and, if applicable, yard maintenance. If your relative has limited income, he may qualify for a subsidized community program. Consult the local office on aging, an excellent source of information on community services. Transportation. If your relative doesn’t drive (or shouldn’t), provide her with a bus pass or taxi gift vouchers or investigate volunteer driver programs for seniors. If necessary, find out about local accessible transportation services. Vision. Ask your relative’s doctor for a referral to an ophthalmologist. If nothing can be done to improve his vision, get him a magnifier for reading small print and check out other adaptive items, such as a programmable telephone with a large keypad and a clock with oversized numbers. Falls. Perform a safety assessment of your relative’s home to identify potential hazards and do what you can to rectify them. Visit a medical supply store and check out the many products that might make daily activities easier and safer. Sign up your relative with a personal emergency response service. He will wear a lightweight, waterproof pendant or bracelet that has a button to press for crisis assistance. Finances. If money management is an issue, arrange for direct deposit of pension checks and automatic bill payment from your relative’s bank account. Assist her with contacting a lawyer to assign power of attorney for property to someone she trusts. If she is experiencing financial hardship living solo, ensure she applies for all possible government and private benefits, such as survivor’s pensions and income supplements. If necessary, assist her with taking in a boarder or moving to a less costly type of housing. If your relative has cognitive impairment and his partner was compensating, deficits may now be more pronounced or are apparent for the first time. If so, arrange a geriatric assessment through the person’s primary physician. Research home supports such as telephone reassurance services, therapeutic day care programs and home health services that offer personal care, homemaking, nursing, dietary consultation, physical and occupational therapy and social work. A live-in caregiver is another option if finances permit. If your relative needs more help than community programs can provide and can’t afford privatepay services, options include moving them in with you or another family member and finding a residential care setting that meets their needs. If feelings of isolation and loneliness are the main concern, your relative may wish to consider sharing accommodations with a friend, relocating to an active adult community or, if their health is declining, moving to an assisted living residence. Li ̈́