Living Well 60+ May – June 2015 | Page 12

12 M AY / J U N E 2 0 1 5 Ask Don! Your Questions on Aging Answered by Don Hoffman, Staff Writer Dr. Donald Hoffman, a former director of the University of Kentucky’s Council on Aging and Donovan Scholars Program and a nationally recognized author and authority on aging, answers your questions on aging. Submit your questions directly to him at: [email protected]. Medication Reminders Susan W. Asks: I take multiple medications and have trouble keeping up with them. In fact, I’ve missed several doses recently and need help remembering when I need to take them. What do you suggest? Don says: I remember as a child when everyone would joke about placing a string around their fingers as a memory jog and then forgetting what the string was for. The problem is all too common. There are some simple steps you might find useful. One solution is to use Post-It notes as reminders. I hang notes near the coffee pot, on a kitchen cabinet door, on front and back entry doors and near my computer and tele ۙH\