Living Well 60+ July-August 2014 | Page 28

28 J U LY / A U G 2 0 1 4 Travel Clinic Gets You Ready to Go Abroad Prepare yourself for your trip with vaccines, medication by Abby Malik, Staff Writer It’s hard to beat the feelings of exhilaration that come from traveling abroad. Beautiful places, unique cuisines, new cultures – it can be full of wonders. Traveling abroad also takes a lot of preparation, and one of the most important things to consider is taking care of your health before, during and after your big trip. UKHealthCare’s Travel Clinic in Lexington is a full-service facility that offers personalized consultations for people traveling abroad. Dr. Susan Spengler, a physician at the clinic, has several important considerations specifically for older adults. One of those considerations is vaccines. “The actual vaccines recommended for a trip are specific to the individual’s itinerary, the person’s assessed risk و