Living Magazine v7 EN | Page 25

For Omar and Pia , Deep Blue is their number one dōTERRA product . “ In general , we often use Deep Blue Rub™ for regeneration purposes . This is also extremely popular among the players . Particularly the heating and cooling effects of the blend ,” says Omar . “ Using Deep Blue as part of our daily routine supports relaxation and helps to provide immediate relief to affected areas . It helps us to re-energise and feel revitalised ,” adds Pia .
Along with Deep Blue , Peppermint , Lavender and Serenity are the sidekick essential oils the players and rehabilitation coach use in their daily routines .
“ Besides using the oils and rub during actual practices and games , I like Lavender the best . Just a few drops on a pillow or the bed cover helps to create a calming and relaxing environment to prepare for a good night ’ s rest ” shares Pia . She continues , “ Also , Peppermint oil has quite an energising and refreshing effect which helps support sportive performance in a positive way .”
“ Outside of our facilities , the players use Lavender or Serenity in the evenings to help prepare for a restful night of sleep ,” adds Omar .
Professional players must always be ready to perform at the highest level and maintaining a healthy lifestyle is key to doing that . Pia reveals her healthy habit priorities :
“ I think the most important thing for good regeneration and to be ready to perform is to get enough sleep and eat well . I try to get between eight to nine hours of sleep and make sure that I get enough carbohydrates and protein , depending on the training load . But I also pay attention to good whole foods and eat plenty of fruits and vegetables .”
Setting goals and maintaining focus are two key factors to remain strong and motivated throughout the football season . “ I always try to be clear about our team goals and my personal goals , so that I know what I am working towards each day . However , the most important thing for me is that I have a lot of fun being on the field with my team . That makes the challenging work so much more rewarding ,” says Pia .
Pia also reflects on the positive aspect of how to keep moving forward despite losing a game : “ There are challenging periods in every season . It is important not to lose your focus . After losing a game , I immediately want to play again to prove that the team and I can do better . Losing a game also shows your weaknesses , so you know exactly what you need to work on to improve next time .”
Looking for products to support your sports practice ? Coach Omar has two dōTERRA products that he recommends :
“ I can definitely recommend Deep Blue Rub . It helps bring relief in every way . For anyone who values wellbeing , I also recommend the dōTERRA Lifelong Vitality Pack™ . I use it every day ! I am enthusiastic about how its effects benefit your energy , general vitality , and wellbeing .” doterra . com