Executive Vice President,
Chief Medical Officer/Chairman,
Scientific Advisory Committee
Why do we apply
essential oils to
our feet?
Everybody loves a foot massage, but the reason it is often recommended to apply essential oils to the bottom of the
feet goes a little deeper. The skin on the bottom of the feet isn’t necessarily different than it is on the rest of the body,
but because of the thickness of the strateum corneum and hydration levels, it tends to be less sensitive than other
areas of the body. This allows one to experience the benefits of topical application using essential oils, that may otherwise
cause an irritation or would have to be heavily diluted. Furthermore, applying essential oils to the bottom of the feet is
a great way to take advantage of the benefits of human touch and connect with a loved one.”
Margetts L and Sawyer R. Continuing Education in Anaesthesia, Critical Care & Pain. 2007; 7(5):171-176.
Should I take
essential oils
Internal use of essential oil can not only be very effective, but also safe when proper guidelines are followed. Essential
oils have been present in the diet of mankind since the dawn of existence and today essential oils are very commonly
utilized as natural food flavorings. Historically, most of the concern about internal use revolves around the effects
of essential oils on the mucosa, the membrane that lines various internal cavities. Like the skin, the mucosa has several
layers designed to protect against disease and toxic exposure, and it is also in a perpetual state of restoration. If you’ve ever
ingested essential oils, you’ll notice a temporary sensation in the mouth or throat. This is because the mucosa
rapidly absorbs and constantly dilutes any substance that it comes in contact with. Studies have actually shown that
essential oils may be protective to the mucosa.* Just remember to use the appropriate amounts, avoid specific oils not
suggested for internal use, and consult your qualified health-care professional prior to consuming any dietary supplement. For more information about the safety of internal use, visit doterrascienceblog.com/is-it-safe-to-ingest-essential-oils/.
Coelho-de-Souza, A.N., et al. Fundam Clin Pharmacol, 2013. 27(3): p. 288-98.
What essential
oils do you
for after sun
skin care?
Long days of summer fun can leave skin in need of some TLC. Summer skin care begins with wearing protective clothing
and sunscreen. There are also essential oils that can help maintain the look and feel of skin after a long day in the sun.
Linalool, the primary constituent in Lavender, is soothing to the skin. Geranium, Basil, Frankincense, and Melaleuca have
similar soothing properties that help to keep the skin looking healthy and vibrant. Dilute with dōTERRA® Fractionated
Coconut Oil, or add to a base of aloe vera gel and apply topically to affected areas as needed.
Sakurai, H., et al. Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences, 2005. 4: p.715-720.
After sun skin care:
Melaleuca (Tea Tree)
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item# 30150001
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.