Living Magazine Spring 2015 Living Magazine | Page 10

Essential Oil Spotlight Plant Part: LEMON RINDS Lemon The invigorating scent of Lemon essential oil from a true Sicilian lemon revitalizes your mind and lifts your mood. Lemon essential oil contains numerous health benefits and can be used for a variety of purposes on a daily basis, which is why it is one of dōTERRA’s most popular essential oils. The high limonene content found in this essential oil makes it a powerful antioxidant and a cleansing agent. In the ancient world, Egyptians used lemon oil to cleanse their bodies of toxins. It also aids in digestion, supports healthy respiratory function, and provides immune system support, especially during seasonal changes.* Distillation Method: COLD PRESSED Unlike most other essential oils, citrus essential oils go through the expression distillation process, often referred to as “cold press.” This method uses high mechanical pressure instead of heat to squeeze out the oil from the rind of the plant. Sourcing Origin: SICILY, ITALY HOW TO USE Aromatic •A  dd 2–4 drops to the diffuser of your choice to help boost your mood and improve the scent of the room. •R  ub 1–2 drops into your palms and inhale to invigorate your mind and body. •P  our a couple drops into air vents to fill your house or car with a citrusy aroma. Internal •A  dd 1–2 drops to baked goods, beverages, or your favorite entrée to create a zesty flavor. •M  ix a couple drops with raw honey for immune-boosting benefits.* •A  dd a couple drops to warm water with honey to help soothe irritated throat and boost your immune system.* •P  lace a drop on your toothbrush or tongue for fresher breath and a cleaner mouth. Topical •R  ub a drop on your hands after being in a public place such as a public bathroom or before pushing shopping carts. • Apply to cleanse specific area on the skin. •M  assage 2–4 drops onto your skin to improve circulation. Other •R  ub 1–2 drops to remove gum, oil, grease, sap, or crayon. •C  ombine with water in a spray bottle to clean surfaces. •U  se to clean silverware and baking dishes. Interesting Fact One lemon tree can produce between 500 and 600 pounds of lemons in a year. It takes about 45 lemons to fill up a 15mL bottle. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Federal Drug Administration. 10 / product SPRINGis2015 LIVING MAGAZINE This not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent desease. Impacting Communities in the U.S. Many know of the work that the dōTERRA® Healing Hands Foundation™ has done internationally, but have you ever wondered what types of programs we are involved with in the United States? Cash and product donations from the Healing Hands Foundation provide opportunities to assist people and organizations that are focused on making a difference in their communities. Product Donations and Financial Contribution The Clear Horizons Academy is committed to making a difference in the lives of children living with autism. Through generous donations from the Healing Hands Foundation, Clear Horizons is able to provide these children help for their individual learning and developmental needs, as well as to assist in training and resources for families and those working with them. Hope Alive Inc. is a non-profit organization that provides counseling and support groups for those suffering from loss and abuse and provides transitional housing for women. In conjunction with a Wellness Advocate who donated dōTERRA product and provided training on the use of essential oils, the Healing Hands Foundation donated diffusers and essential oils for use by residents transitioning through the Hope Alive housing. Now I Can Foundation works to help children with disabilities become more independent and reach their full potential through assistance and physical therapy. The Healing Hands Foundation has donated dōTERRA essential oils and products that are used in the center daily as well as financial assistance. The intense therapy treatments experienced by the children help them reach the goal of saying, “Now, I can do this!” Interested in donating to the Healing Hands Foundation? Visit healinghands and click the donate button for an easy way to contribute.