Living Magazine English Living Magazine V4 | Page 30
Healing Hands
A dōTERRA Healing Hands
During the 2016 dōTERRA One Convention in Salt Lake
City, Utah, the founding executives announced that
attendees had a unique opportunity—the chance to go on
a sourcing incentive trip with the dōTERRA Healing Hands
Foundation. Many people put their names into the raffle to
determine who could go on one of the six planned trips to
either Nepal, Guatemala, or Bulgaria.
Bulgaria is the focus of a Cō-Impact Sourcing ™ project to
both help the struggling economy there by revitalising the
essential oil industry while sourcing quality oils. The dōTERRA
Healing Hands Foundation is an integral part of the work
happening. The first of the two trips planned for Bulgaria took
place the first week in July 2017, with a second group going one
week later. Those participating in these trips knew they were in
for something special.
Projects to Empower
The main focus of both trips to Bulgaria was to provide a
much needed playground for a community center. Community
centres in Bulgaria typically house a variety of functions, such as
a post office, library, town hall, and a public meeting house and
gathering area. Adding a safe play area for the children was a
priority in this community. The volunteers went to work—they
sanded the existing teeter-totters, sanded and refinished
benches, and sanded and repainted the existing fence.
Foundation ™ update in Bulgaria