Living Magazine English Living Magazine V4 | Page 27
Miva Berthias,
a Wellness
Advocate from
St Sauveur D'aunis,
France, is one of the
inspiring examples
of someone who
shares the
dōTERRA culture
and essential oils
by serving others
through the
Hand Technique.
In 2017, during the Christmas season, Miva visited a
healthcare facility in La Rochelle, France. She and a few of her
team members volunteered their time to share the
AromaTouch™ Technique and dōTERRA oils with the local
residents there. Miva says, “My team and I wanted to fill a
void for those who needed that extra one-on-one time. We
wanted to share a pure moment with the patients and bring
them some joy during the days we came to be with them.”
Serve and
Empower Others
The dōTERRA AromaTouch™ Technique is the perfect
combination of essential oils and human connection.
It brings anyone and everyone together through caring
about each other on a one-on-one level. Many dōTERRA
Wellness Advocates use the AromaTouch Technique as a
gift and an opportunity to serve others. Their stories
encourage all of us to share this technique and see how we
can impact others in a positive and loving way.
They used two oils for the hand technique: Wild Orange and
Frankincense. “I was so happy to share the oils in the facility
for those two days,” Miva expressed. “Seeing the smiles on
the patients’ faces as well as the people on my team that
were serving them was so rewarding! I think that every
member of my team was touched by this experience and
grateful for the opportunities we can make to serve with
these essential oils. All of the patients, nurses, and
physicians who received a hand technique during these two
days of service asked, ‘When are you coming back?’”
At times our efforts may feel insignificant, but in reality,
we can impact those we serve and empower others through
our example of serving others. Something as plain and