Living Magazine English Living Magazine V4 | Page 15
Ongoing Research
exposure to the outside stimuli (in this case, essential oils)
influence the cell culture. Using this unique system allows
dōTERRA scientists to examine the activity of oils in vitro,
but in an environment closely mimicking real human
conditions. After growing the cell cultures, the cells are
introduced to factors that induce activity in a way that
parallels the changes occurring in cells found in a living
person. Often, when foreign stimuli are introduced, fibroblasts
multiply rapidly, which can lead to a change in the cellular
composition of a tissue and have implications for its health
and proper function. The fibroblasts themselves also secrete
structural proteins into the extracellular matrix (ECM), which
is the space surrounding the cells. While these proteins are
normally found in healthy individuals, an excess of ECM
proteins can make a tissue that is normally flexible become
rigid, a characteristic that can influence normal function.
Using these protein biomarkers, dōTERRA scientists are able
to quantitatively analyse the rate of cell division, observe
alterations in cellular metabolism, and examine other biological
activities relevant to tissue remodeling, gene expression, and
overall cellular health. The BioMAP system provides the ideal
environment to investigate the why and the how regarding the
health benefits provided by essential oils, and the dōTERRA
research group is excited about how the collected data can be
used to progress current usage models.
While dōTERRA scientists are specifically interested in
the efficacy and safety of essential oils and their active
components in topical applications, research involving
aromatic use, nutritional supplements, and personal care
products is also underway. Other recent publications have
put the mood-enhancing properties of CPTG ™ Bergamot
essential oil to the test—in a very stressful environment—
and have examined the health benefits of the dōTERRA
Lifelong Vitality Pack ™ in a two-month long clinical trial.
The work has just begun.
So far we’ve looked at some of your favourite single CPTG
essential oils and even at a dōTERRA proprietary blend,
examining their ability to promote protective cellular
responses, support proper inflammatory responses, and
induce healthy structural remodeling. The results are even
more remarkable than we expected (hint, hint: Melaleuca
showed a powerful ability to support tissue remodeling
processes), providing further evidence of the power of
volatile aromatic compounds in supporting various biomark-
ers of health and showing why dōTERRA CPTG essential oils
are so highly trusted. For more information about the
ongoing research, reviews of all the individual studies
(including citations so that you may read the studies in their
entirety on your own), and news from the amasing dōTERRA
research group, please visit the dōTERRA Science Blog. / 15