Living Magazine doTERRA Winter 2016 | Page 21

YOUR 2017 GOAL CHALLENGE TRAVEL MORE. Make a commitment this year to visit at least one new place. If you have to make a choice between buying new things or going on a trip, take the trip. Travel expands the mind and understanding of the world we live in. More than anything, through travel we create unforgettable memories and experiences that last a lifetime. “Our experiences are a bigger part of ourselves than our material goods.” —Dr. Thomas Gilovich REDUCE STRESS. If not properly managed, high levels of stress can take a toll on your health, happiness, and even personal relationships. Every day, make it a priority to relax and reset your mind and body. Go on a walk, read a book, work on a project, meditate, take a hot bath, take a few deep breaths, or diffuse essential oils­—anything that will help you take your mind away from the stress of life. GET UP AND MOVE. Being physically active is not just about losing weight. It’s about developing a healthier lifestyle. Regular physical activity will improve your mood and sleep, strengthen your immune system, lower your blood pressure and cholesterol, and improve your quality of life. Find something that you’ll enjoy doing and that will get you up and moving. Take the stairs, go on a walk or a jog, do some yard work, try a winter sport, or enroll in a fitness class. TAKE CHANCES. Challenge yourself to try new things and achieve goals you never thought you could. Remember, personal growth and development occur when you step outside your comfort zone. “Do one thing every day that scares you.” —Eleanor Roosevelt SPEND LESS TIME ON SOCIAL MEDIA. “As I traveled through countless airports this week, it became evident that we have become a society of zombies. With many layovers, I had the opportunity to watch the people around me. Everyone was glued to their electronic device, taking into their minds and hearts what the world wants them to think and believe. We are losing touch with who we are as individuals, why we are here, and who we are striving to become. It’s frightening to see how much control the false­ hoods of media (including social media) have over our minds, if we allow it. Today I plan to focus on what lives in my heart. I will recommit to the person I am striving to become. My phone is tucked away. It is in the quiet moments we create that true intuition can speak to our hearts. Who will join me?” —Emily Wright GET OUT OF DEBT. Enroll in the dōTERRA Free to Give™ Program and start tackling your debt. “I believe that as we make our financial situation a part of our annual assessment, we will find renewed hope that we can truly take control of our financial future and reduce our debt obligations. By doing this, we will have a greater capacity to excel in our careers, focus on spending more time with our families, and have the resources needed to serve in our communities.” —Will Burges, dōTERRA Vice President of Finance SERVE OTHERS. Having a positive impact on someone else will help you change your own outlook and attitude. Service makes us appreciate our lives and what we have. It helps us develop compassion and love for other. Make it a goal to perform at least one small act of service a day. / 21