Living Magazine doTERRA Summer 2018 Living Magazine | Page 4
Dr. David K. Hill, D.C., Founding Executive, Chief Medical Officer and Chairman, Scientific Advisory Committee
When I decided it was time to begin taking my own health more seriously,
I didn’t have to look very far for a road map. Health isn’t about
an extreme diet or exercise program, but a lifestyle focused
on healthy sustainable habits—the six principles that
make up the do-TERRA Wellness Lifestyle Pyramid.
Burning a few extra calories through increasing
physical activity had to be a component of my
new lifestyle and that meant the occasional
discomfort that can accompany increased
exercise. As regular date nights at the movies
became hikes and neighborhood bike rides,
Deep Blue ® Soothing Blend and Deep Blue ® Rub
became my daily companion. With my increased
activity levels, I found that it was most con
venient to keep a bottle of both the oil and the
rub in a desk drawer close to my front door.
Eat Right
Cleaning up my diet, which included
drastic changes to both what and how
much I was eating, wasn’t that complex, but there were some factors that you don’t always consider.
Even those who have the cleanest of diets often fall short when it comes to meeting their body’s
nutritional needs, which makes supplementing your diet with do-TERRA Lifelong Vitality Pack ® (LLV)
critical for anybody seeking optimal health. Starting every day with LLV along with my breakfast and
including it with dinner is the foundation of my daily health habits.
One of the lesser known side effects of a diet composed of mostly highly processed foods is its
effect on the inner workings of your gut. We’re beginning to discover that the health of your gut
microbiome doesn’t only influence digestion, but also may have significant impacts on metabolism,
weight management, and several other health factors. Supporting a healthy intestinal microflora
balance by supplementing my new diet with PB Assist ® + Probiotic Defense Formula became a part
of my day-to-day regimen. And as bad as my previous eating habits were, your body will adapt to
anything. With a digestive system accustomed to highly processed food, the whole food diet I was
embarking on would be an uncomfortable change. DigestZen TerraZyme ® provided those active
whole-food enzymes and the tummy tamer blend necessary for gastrointestinal comfort and food
tolerance.* Health and longevity begin with how you fuel your body; the nutritional building blocks
provided by a diet composed of whole foods and supplemented by LLV, PB Assist+, and DigestZen
TerraZyme is the foundation of any health-promoting plan.*
Rest and Manage Stress
You never really appreciate how important rest and
stress management are until a lack of them is already
having a powerfully negative impact on your overall
health. Setting up a consistent bedtime routine and
actionable steps to address stress are paramount for
overall health and well-being. This is where Lavender
and do-TERRA Balance ® come in. I start each day by
putting do-TERRA Balance on the bottoms of my feet
to promote calmness, and I end the day by diffusing
Lavender as I prepare for sleep. The powerful
combination of those two oils helps
me maximize the times of the day
that are meant for recovery.
Informed Self-Care / Proactive Medical Care
Reduce Toxic Load
Reducing toxic load is becoming
even more important to me as
we begin seeing longitudinal data that supports the logical
notion that our environment and the caustic substances we
expose ourselves to can have real long-term health effects.
One of the more interesting recent studies I read found that
exposure to cleaning products has a direct negative impact
on long-term respiratory health (Svanes). This recent evidence
has only strengthened my views about using natural products,
minimizing exposure to toxins, and supporting the body’s
natural pathways of detoxification. This means using citrus
essential oils in a variety of contexts. Along with using do-TERRA
On Guard ® products around the hou