Living Magazine doTERRA Summer 2017 | Page 27

San Francisco 49ers Running Back

CHALLENGE ? Not buying out . Putting time and effort into practice and focusing on my craft . I enjoy learning how to improve and get better and working hard . Also , finding a balance with career and family , prioritizing and making time to be with my kids and my family . At the end of the day they don ’ t care about football , they care about Dad .
WHAT DOES YOUR TYPICAL DAY LOOK LIKE ? In season , different days of the week vary , but generally my day starts at 4:45 – 5:00am . I start by planning out the day , going over my responsibilities and what needs to get done that day . I usually start the day watching film , then do some form of treatment — different exercises / treatments ( varies depending on specific needs ), then study and review the playbook , go to practice , work out , more film study , stretching , etc . I typically get home between 6:30 and 7:00pm , spend time with family , dinner , go to sleep , and repeat .
WHERE DO YOU DRAW YOUR INSPIRATION FROM ? My parents . They ’ ve instilled values in me that have given me opportunities to succeed . Seeing the many struggles they have gone through and how they ’ ve persevered and overcame has inspired me to do better and take what they ’ ve given me and move forward with it . Aside from my parents , every time I interact with different people and hear how hard life can be and see that not everyone is blessed with equal opportunities , it inspires me to help motivate these
San Diego , California
University of Richmond , degree in Religious
Studies and Political Science
Years playing football
What got you started
10 years in NFL — missed a few years due to injury
4th grad e — started playing and fell in love with the game
Wife : Rikkie Two boys : Lennox and Ezra
people to find their own personal success . Those interactions just inspire you to succeed to the point where you can have an impact and inspire others by sharing your story and trials you ’ ve overcome throughout the process , hopefully connecting with them and showing them that they can overcome and succeed as well .
HOW DID YOU LEARN ABOUT dōTERRA ? My wife , Rikkie , introduced me . Recovery and sleep are two extremely important components to my success . She introduced me to dōTERRA products that help with those two things specifically .
WHAT dōTERRA PRODUCTS DO YOU USE THE MOST ? Deep Blue ® and my diffuser . I use Deep Blue in massage to help with recovery . The diffuser is nice because I can choose what oils and blends I want to diffuse , and I can take it with me when I ’ m on the road to help with sleep and relaxation .
WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ESSENTIAL OIL DIFFUSER BLEND , IF YOU HAVE ONE ? dōTERRA Breathe ®. It ’ s definitely a go-to blend for me .
Tim Hightower spotted on Instagram

“ If you ’ re willing to put in the work and make the necessary sacrifices , you can achieve whatever you set your mind to .”

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