Exercise does not build your body; it fundamentally breaks it down. It is during rest and recovery that your body
repairs the broken down tissue and initiates the physiological processes that result in a stronger and leaner body.
While rest is key, one of the most important factors of the recovery process is how you fuel your body. Eating the right
foods can help reduce soreness, restore normal central nervous system function, provide the nutrients necessary for
repair and growth, and replenish glycogen stores so you have the energy for your next intense training session. Build
that slim and sassy body by including these foods in your regular diet.
Blueberries, cherries, and other
dark-colored fruits. The darker and
brighter the fruit, the higher the
concentration of antioxidants—
substances that help prevent free radical
damage and expedite the elimination of the
waste products that are the result of intense
exercise. Blueberries contain pterostilbene,
anthocyanins, proanthocyanidins, resveratrol,
flavonols, and tannins, which have been
shown to support the normal inflammation
process and may promote increased
muscular energy. Research has suggested
that adding blueberries to your post-
workout protein shake can accelerate the
recovery process and result in improved
performance. Other studies have found that
tart cherries may reduce delayed onset
muscle soreness (DOMS) and increase
natural production of melatonin, so that you
get more and better sleep. For a dash of
color, taste, and a major infusion of antioxi
dants, add a few blueberries or cherries to
your post-workout protein shake. If you find
it difficult to integrate dark-colored fruits into
your diet, Alpha CRS®+ Cellular Vitality
Complex contains a proprietary combination
of botanical extracts that offer powerful
antioxidant benefits.* also one of the best sources of cysteine, an
amino acid that aids in the formation of
antioxidant glutathione, providing an added
boost of free radical fighting protection.
Slim & Sassy® TrimShake offers 8g of
protein, primarily from fast-absorbing whey
protein isolate; perfect for post-workout
recovery or a nutritious snack.
Whey protein. Speaking of that
post-workout protein shake, whey
protein, a by-product of cheese-
making, is highly bioavailable,
contains all the amino acids necessary to
rebuild lean tissue, is very quickly absorbed,
and can taste delicious when blended with
some dark berries. Research suggests that
consumption of whey protein after a
workout can speed recovery and decrease
post-workout strength loss. Whey protein is 4
Leafy Greens. There is never a
reason to limit the consumption of
leafy greens. Low in calories, high in
vitamins and minerals, high in
satiating fiber, low-glycemic, and rich in
antioxidants, leafy greens are a highly
available and versatile superfood that can
support every recovery mechanism. Some
less-known benefits of your favorite leafy
greens; their high water content helps keep
you hydrated, a single serving of spinach
has more muscle-building iron than a
6-ounce hamburger patty; they contain
high levels of potassium, which may keep
cramps at bay; and they are excellent
sources of calcium and magnesium, which
are important in muscular development,
energy production, and carbohydrate
metabolism.* Add a handful of leafy greens
or a serving of TerraGreens® to your
post-workout shake. The more the better.
Wild caught fatty fish. There is a
reason—many of them—why many
American adults take fish oil daily,
making it the most popular natural
supplement. Along with the known
cardiovascular, nervous, and immune
system function supporting properties of
omega-3 fatty acids, research suggests that
they may assist protein metabolism and
help alleviate the discomfort associated
with intense exercise. If the taste or cost of
salmon or other fatty fish is off-putting,
xEO Mega® offers similar benefits in a
convenient gel capsule.*
Fermented foods. Yogurt, kefir,
kimchi, and other fermented foods
seem to be all the rage in current
nutrition research as we continue to
discover how important gut microbiota is
for overall wellness. By supporting healthy
proliferation of beneficial bacteria (probiotics),
fermented foods improve nutrient absorp
tion, support metabolism, and boost
immune system function so that you wake
up the day after a tough workout feeling
better than before. If you don’t enjoy the
taste, supplementing with PB Assist®+ may
provide the probiotic support you need.*
Spices (turmeric, ginger,
cinnamon). Antioxidant support is
the name of the game when
discussing exercise recovery. Recent
research suggests that rhizome plants such
as turmeric and ginger offer unique
compounds that can support muscle and
joint function and comfort.* Turmeric
contains curcumin, which has been found to
decrease inflammatory cytokines and
delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS).*
Other studies have suggested that adding
ginger and cinnamon to your diet may
reduce recovery time and decrease
muscular discomfort after strenuous
exercise.* Add a pinch of spice to your
protein shake or take your supplement
regimen up a notch by including Deep Blue
Polyphenol Complex®, which contains
extracts of turmeric and ginger.