Living Magazine doTERRA Fall 2017 Living Magazine | Page 7

dōTERRA utilizes a large network of harvesters that transport their copaiba oleoresin by boat from their different villages to Manaus. Once the oleoresin has been inspected, paid for, and collected in Manaus, we work with our distillation partner to steam distill the oleoresin and prepare it for final shipment to the US. During a recent sourcing trip, Ben Platt, dōTERRA Strategic Sourcing Manager for the Americas, met a family of copaiba harvesters that were not a part of our current network. As they talked about copaiba, the harvester expressed frustration that he was getting pressured about the price for his copaiba oleoresin and that payment would frequently come much later than agreed upon. “As I was talking with this family I quickly recognized that they were the type of people that dōTERRA prefers to work with. It was clear that they knew their copaiba harvesting area very well. It was also clear that they were hardworking, honest people that would harvest the copaiba in the sustainable manner that dōTERRA requires. We encouraged them to join our harvesting group and assured them that we would pay them on-time and at fair prices for their oleoresin. They were excited by this proposition and agreed to join our harvesting group. We are definitely glad that this family has joined the network of families that are now a key part of the dōTERRA Global Botanical Network. This experience goes to highlight the importance of our mission to source the world’s most beautiful oils from some of the world’s best people. We source great people as much as we source essential oils.” *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. / 7