Living Life Well Issue 3 | Page 22

This is one of the common misunderstandings advisable before therapy in cases where the problem associated with hypnosis. This is probably tied in with may have a predominantly physical cause. Often the Hypnotherapist will work with your Doctor as many control over the client. This is not the case. People What is Hypnosis? Is a doctor's referral necessary? another misconception that the hypnotherapist has About Hypnotherapy Would I be asked to do something against my will? problems can best be overcome by a joint effort. will not do or say anything under hypnosis that they Hypnosis is a very deep state of relaxation. Hypnosis is a normal, natural, healthy state of mind that a person experiences several times throughout the course of a day would not do when not in hypnosis. Nor can you experience what are known as Ultradian Rhythms. We can slip into these Ultradian Rhythms when we find ourselves daydreaming or just taking a break. You may also have experienced a hypnotic-like state if: - You've had the experience of being in a room full of people taking part in the group yet mentally being far away from it. - Whilst you've been driving home and thinking about an issue that preoccupied you and suddenly realise that, although you have arrived safely at your destination, you can't recall having driven past familiar landmarks? You avoided collisions, stopped at red lights - it is as if you had somehow been travelling on automatic pilot. - You've been able to block out sounds from your mind so that they were no longer important to you or so that they seemed very far away. - You've been lulled into a dreamy state or put to sleep by a lecture or a concert, even though you were not fatigued or tired, then you entered into self-hypnosis. 22 What is a Clinical Hypnotherapist? Hypnotherapy can help with: smoking cessation, misconception, which could be due to our exposure to overeating, nail-biting, insomnia, headaches, exam TV shows and performances by stage hypnotists. stress, pain, anxiety, panic attacks, phobias, eating Stage hypnotists e